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I. Family | Hollidaysburg Family Photographer

I met the I. Family on a very rainy humid evening with an a hope that the thunderstorms would hold off for us, and they did!  These GORGEOUS blond haired girlies were so sweet!  Big sister Joie was a little timid about holding her little sister, but we still got some great shots of them together.  Thanks I. Family!!

Samantha Bates Wall - Hope you had an enjoyable time at MOPS today. I would like to set a time for you to photograph our family. My husband, myself, Cyrus(4) Justus(2) Joel(1) JAel(1)

Your newest “owl” was unbelievable. You are the most talented photographer in our area!!!! Great work! I’m so glad Jason supports your creative ability.

I will look forward to hearing from you soon.


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